Apple can’t trademark “App Store”-Microsoft

The battle over the “App store” won't be settled in recent times as Microsoft has filed their second objectionable plea in the court and have hired a linguist, Dr. Ronald Butters, to go for a head-to-head with Apple's own hired linguist, Robert A. Leonard. The main conflict is over the phrase “app store” as apple wants to make it a trademark. According to their linguist app store is a proper noun and qualifies for being given as trademark status. But Microsoft's linguist is conflicting on the fact that “app store” is too generic to be trademarked.

Microsoft's counsel is stressing that Apple and its competitor’s stores as a group or genus and when are looking for the store it’s just not apple's it’s been called as 'app stores'.

Microsoft's linguist stated that “app store” is just having a common naming paradigm which is being used in American English as for buying clothes at a “clothes store” or it can be anything. Apple has been saying hypocrites to Microsoft as they are objecting it’s too generic to be trademarked. Microsoft has asked for the dismissal of the application by summary judgement in January and
Apple has been trying to trademark “App Store” since 2008 the time they introduced iTunes-based App store for mobile.

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