Apple The Ever Rising Meteor!
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To say the Apple has revolutionized the mobile phone world with the launch of the iPhones would be stating only half the story. The truth is that the Cubertine Company did much, much more than that.
Apple, in fact, has set and now reset the rules for the mobile computer table device sector has well. After all, Apple was the first to give the world its first ever tablet device in the form and shape of the Apple iPads. Now, you have the next generation iPad 2 as well.
Apple is not contend with only transforming the mobile phone world and the tablet market place. It is now concentrating on the television scene as well. We are talking about Apple TV here.
Apple has managed sales figures running into two to ten million units for all its products. Be it iPhones, iPads and we are sure similar performance can be expected for the Apple TV as well.
We can be rest assured that more and more living rooms will be beaming in Apple TV only.
By the end of this year, the world will see the what is believed to be the fifth generation iPhone in the coming soon Apple iPhone 5.
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